Monday 23 April 2012

Welcome to three2tea!

Good Afternoon readers,
Welcome to our brand new blog  that us three siblings will be updating with our tried and tested recipes. Look forward to our successes as well as our failures!
We all enjoy baking bread, cakes and other sweet treats in our spare time as well as cooking savoury meals inspired by our chinese roots or from our love of asian cooking in general.

As well as posting about our own cooking, we'll be updating everyone about foods that we have eaten or would like to eat from our travels.
So who are these three2tea bloggers then??

Well you have me, 'Satsuma-imo' (sweet potato), the oldest of the three (unfortunately). My achievements include making the hottest curry ever (experiment gone wrong - we had sinus problems after eating this) and also making the sweetest cake ever (we ended up having major headaches 15 mins after eating it) other than that I'd say I was a pretty good cook! :P My main interests lie in cake-baking, although I am now branching out into making breads. I'm also currently trying to learn more dim-sum recipes so I hope you'll join me in my adventures.

Next we have the middle child, 'Nasu' (aubergine), who I say is the bread artisan of the family! Her speciality is making bread and she has provided us with some delicious loaves, as well as some not so good ones *ahem* She also has a keen interest in cake baking and they tend to be on the healthier side as well. Nasu loves all foods related to Japan and she makes a mean melon pan!
Last but not least we have 'Negi' (spring onion), who is not only the youngest but also the only boy in the family. I'd also say he was the most spoilt of us three! Negi like Nasu loves making bread and baking cakes, that's if we can prise him away from his computer. Although still a newbie to the cooking world, he is improving tremendously, I still remember him making the world's ugliest scones back in the day.

Enough of the introductions! I'm sure you are all bored by now, let's get this food blog rolling................

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