Monday 23 April 2012

Club Sandwich

People who have ever had afternoon tea or 'ha mg cha' will know that the club sandwich, known as 'gung si sah man ji' in chinese, is a regular on restaurant menus. A club sandwich basically consists of two layers of fillings sandwiched between three slices of bread, normally toasted. Bacon, lettuce and tomato are normally the main ingredients in this but you can put whatever you like in it.
Three2tea's version consisted of:
  • smoked bacon rashers
  • two turkey breasts - pan-fried and seasoned with salt and pepper
  • lettuce
  • two tomatoes
  • Kewpie mayonnaise
  • random bread bought from market stall
Kewpie mayonnaise is the japanese version and is normally made from apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar. We prefer this to regular mayonnaise as we think it tastes better.
We got our bread from the market and we don't really know what's in it :P Next time we should make our own, but major credit to the lady that baked it as it was delicious!
I need to show you a picture!
Anyway, here's what our finished product looked like:
The portion was huge!!! Next time tho, we should toast the bread less, it was too crispy! So what do you put in your club sandwich?

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